12 for 12 Summer Update (June, July & August)
Let's just go ahead and say that with the school year comes a fresh start for everyone, including those of us that aren't going to school anymore. I'm going to couple June, July & August into one big 12 for 12 Summer Update because let's just say these past few months have been crazy, hectic, fun, frustrating, and the list goes on and on. I'm hoping this fresh start will get me back on the blogging track for sure.Need a flashback to the 12 for 12 May Update?Twelve for Twelve
1. Books.
My slight hiatus on the To Read List turned into me practically quitting reading completely. I know that I tried to read a few chapters of When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric Ludy but never finished it. Over the last week, I picked up Julia Duin's Quitting Church. That doesn't really constitute as much though. Going into the fall, we've got three months left and I've read six out of twenty four books completely read. That is ridiculous. I've got to start reading.2. 5K.
I think the most I ran all summer was when I was playing volleyball with the youth group. I did a couple of Pinterest work out videos. They're actually pretty good. This running thing is going to have to change for this fall for sure. If I don't get the 5K goal down by December, I'm hoping to run the Color Run with my friends again in February. Hopefully, I'll get to run this time.3. Quotes.
I have pinned and pinned more and more quotes. I have yet to fill up my quote notebook though.4. Blog.
Can we just not even talk about this one?5. Create.
Y'all. I've found the salsa, guacamole and queso recipes to satisfy me for a lifetime. No joke. I've made this so many times over the past few weeks that I may or may not have memorized the ingredients to the guacamole recipe. For a baby shower back in July though, I along with some friends also made these really cute little fruit pizza appetizers. We also tried to make Avalanche Rice Krispie Treats. Those didn't turn out that well though. Shoutout to my friend Matt who taught me to make iced coffee.6. Learn.
Oh wow. What have I learned over these past few months? True vulnerable friendships are hard to find and shouldn't be let go easily. Goodbyes are and will always be hard to say. No matter how much time you think you have, you don't have it. Putting your whole heart into everything is completely worth it even if it becomes frustrating and painful. As long as you have people who truly love you, life will be good.
7. Minimize.
I went through everything. I gave some stuff away to friends and Goodwill got some. I've got a long way to go still, but by the end of this year I want less stuff in general.8. Gratefulness.
I sent out two rounds of thank you notes. I'm hoping this really steps it up with this final stretch of the year.9. Handmade.
I had a hiatus on handmade gifts because those don't work so well for things like weddings. Who wants a handmade blender? That just sounds awful. I started on some completely non-wedding related gifts but still haven't finished them.10. Intentionality.
These last few months went by so incredibly fast. I was definitely intentional with several of my friendships, but I know in some of them that I should have and could have been a lot better.11. No.
I've said yes and I've said no. I think saying no is becoming a bit easier.12. Word.
There's a certain verse that has stood out for some time now that I can't get out of my head.Here's to the last three months of the year and for this 12 for 12 challenge to really come into be! Bring it September!